The wider region, that is to say basically the region of municipalities of Arkadi and Geropotamos, is very green and there are very many sights worth seeing. The first and best, is the historical monastery of Arkadi pict.1 pict.2 that stunned the whole of humanity with the holocaust in 1866. Also, the cavern of Melidoni pict. with its own holocaust and Margarites pict.1 pict.2 pict.3 , where is the traditional craft of pottery has been carried on continuously for at least 5000 years of pottery pict. . A little further on, there is an impressive cavern of Sfendoni in Zoniana, and the recently restored monasteries of Vosakou and Halepas. On the coast are the former fishing but now tourist villages, namely, Panormo and Bali, the well-known Anogeia with the plateau of Nidas.
All the villages consist of beautiful houses made of hewn white stone. These dominate the region and anyone can admire the traditional architecture of the place: homes, churches, old olive presses, watermills etc. This architecture was shaped by the centuries and was somewhat influenced by the Venetian conquest but with the principal elements of simplicity, elegance and practicality. This kind of architecture can be observed in the whole of Crete, but in this particular region it is kept more alive.
The ease with which this stone could be worked, created craftsmen and they in turn produced their masterpieces. Famous for the quality of stone (which reached as far as America) is the village Alfa, home of great author of Cretan music Kostas Mountakis. Unfortunately, as it happens almost everywhere in Greece , the whirlwind of "development" has destroyed many of these masterpieces. However, a lot of villages and buildings still strenuously maintain their appearance and shape. It is worth exploring, by strolling in the villages. We suggest: Tripodos, Margarites pict. , Laga, Vergiana, Kallergo, Skordilo, Alfa, Erfoi, Pigouniana, Kalantare', Kalamas pict. , Melidoni, Amnatos, etc. Impressively renovated is the former abandoned small settlement of Kapsaliana εικ. , pict , (olive museum).
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